About the Board of Education
The Board of Education is the governing body of the district, responsible for developing policy to ensure the proper care, management and control of district affairs. The board also hires the superintendent; approves staff hiring, resignations, terminations and leaves of absence; sets the annual local school levy; approves expenditures; approves educational programs, and otherwise ensures that proper facilities and equipment are available to support teaching and learning in the district. The superintendent serves as an ex-officio member of the Board and is responsible for the implementation of School Board policies and directives.
Elections - The board is made up of six citizens elected at large. School board members are elected to four-year terms on the November general election day in even-numbered years. Three board members are up for election one year and then the other three are up for election two years later.
Board Meetings - Regular school board meetings are usually held on the third Monday of the month, at 6:30 P.M., in the District Board Room at Rockford Middle School-Center for Environmental Studies, located at 6051 Ash Street, Rockford, MN 55373. The board meeting schedule is posted on the bulletin board outside the district office, and available on the website.
The agenda for regular board meetings includes the following items:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Public Comments
- Consent Items
- Superintendent Report
- Student Achievement and Growth
- Healthy and Supportive Environment
- Community, School and Family Partnerships
- Culture of Collective Purpose
- Stewardship of Resources
- Announcements and Future Meetings
- Adjournment