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Rockford Area Schools will be on the ballot in November for the purpose of electing three school board members for four-year terms. Filing for school board candidacy opens on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 through Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Election day is November 5, 2024. More information will be posted closer to the start of filing.
Individuals interested to be a School Board Member, must file an Affidavit of Candidacy beginning Tuesday, July 30, 2024 until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 and pay a $2 filing fee at the District Office located at 6051 Ash St. Rockford, MN 55373.
CLICK HERE for candidate information on the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
Within seven days of the general election, certification of Campaign Financial Reports must be filed from each candidate running for School Board.
Within ten days of the general election, the Board of Education needs to canvass the election results. 

Thinking about running for a school board election seat? Interested in the work of public school boards? MSBA’s Greg Abbott will run through an orientation of the campaign process and how school board members’ work focuses on helping all students achieve.

“Get On Board — Tips and Timelines for School Board Candidates?” is a webinar board members can share with potential candidates in their own district, as well as a walk-through for current board members who are running for re-election in an ever-politicized General Election this November.



I. To qualify for election to your local school board you must be:

School board members are elected to 4-year terms and take office the first Monday in January (M.S. 123B.09, Subd. 1).

II. By law, (M.S. 123B.09, Subd.1the school boards in Minnesota are made up of either 6 or 7 members. Some exceptions have been created by special legislation, often for consolidated districts.

III. A conflict of interest if you are a board member and

  • expect to make over $20,000 as an employee of the district in any fiscal year or (M.S. 123B.195)
  • have a personal financial interest in the sale, lease or contract with the district (there are exceptions) (M.S. 471.87 and M.S. 471.88) or
  • hold another elected position except township board (Op. Att’y Gen. 358 Dec. 18, 1970)

IV. Board Authority

M.S. 123B.02, Subd. 1, states that “the board must have the general charge of the business of the district, the school houses, and of the interests of the schools thereof. The board’s authority to govern, manage, and control the district; to carry out its duties and responsibilities; and to conduct the business of the district includes implied powers in addition to any specific powers (of which there are many) granted by the legislature.”

The board’s authority must be reconciled with M.S. 123B.143 which states that all districts maintaining a classified secondary school must employ a superintendent. A number of specific duties of the superintendent are noted in the statute.

MSBA School Board Election Resources

Get On Board - A School Board's Candidate Introduction to Board Service