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Public Comments


All Board meetings are open to the public, except for those specifically permitted by law to be closed for discussion of identified issues such as negotiations strategy, litigation, etc. If a time, date, or location is changed, or if a special meeting is called, notices will be posted.

Public comment at each Regular School Board meeting is an opportunity for residents of the Rockford Area School District to address the School Board. After being recognized by the chair, each individual will identify themselves and the group they represent, if any.

To ensure that all individuals have a chance to speak, speakers will be limited to one three-minute presentation. The public comment portion of the Regular School Board meeting is not a time to debate an issue, but for the Board to hear comments from community members. 

The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act prohibits comment about specific student matters, even without naming the student, in open session. This includes the public comment portion of a school board meeting. The Board respects and values input on student matters, but when it relates to a specific student or to a specific student matter, such input must be heard by the appropriate personnel – such as the building principal or superintendent – and not during an open meeting of the School Board.

Registrations for the Public Comments section of the Board meeting will continue until the meeting is called to order. Appearances after this point will be at the discretion of the chairperson. 

The Board will follow Policy 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings / Complaints about a person at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations. 

Members of the public may participate in board meetings during Public Comment or by contacting the Rockford Schools District Office (763-477-9165) and ask to be placed on the agenda.

Regular Board minutes are printed in the Crow River News, and posted on this website after Board Approval.