E-Learning Day Plan
E-Learning Day Plan
Why E-Learning Days?
"E-learning day" means a school day where a school offers full access to online instruction provided by students' individual teachers due to inclement weather. When we have weather-related school cancellations, instructional time is lost and the momentum in classrooms is slowed. While E-Learning Days cannot replace the face-to-face time students have with their teachers, they can provide better continuity when inclement weather inhibits a full day of in-person instruction.
These days are intended to offer full access to online instruction provided by students’ individual teachers and can be counted as full days of instruction when reported to the Minnesota Department of Education. Learning activities are aligned to the work taking place in the classroom and should be a continuation or extension of what the class is currently working on. Requirements of E-Learning Days include:
- Due to inclement weather (up to 5 days per school year)
- Consult with teacher representatives to develop a District plan approved by the board
- Accessible digital instruction for students with 504 plan
- Accessible specialized instruction for students with Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Notify parents and students of the plan at the beginning of the school year
- There will be a 2-hour notice prior to normal school start time that students are to follow the E-Learning emergency school closing plan
- Access to teachers via email and online during normal school hours
E-Learning Emergency Closing Communication
In the event of a school cancellation due to inclement weather, families will receive an automated phone call, text message, and/or e-mail from Rockford Area Schools with at least 2-hours notice prior to the normal school start time. Messages will also be posted on the District website, social media, and will appear on local media outlets. E-Learning Days will be announced at the same time as the school cancellation announcement. School administration will assess the impact of the E-Learning day and make adjustments as needed.
Staff Availability
Teachers will have from 7:20am-10:00am each day to prepare their material, create lessons and post to the grade-appropriate online learning platform (Google Classroom, SeeSaw). Teachers will be available by e-mail during regular school day hours and through the grade-appropriate online learning platform (Google Classroom and SeeSaw) from 10:00am–3:00pm. Staff may work from home if they have tested and confirmed accessibility to perform their role effectively prior to an E-Learning Day or be on campus on these days. Onsite and remote work will be tracked through the building specific process in place.
If a teacher does not have the ability or necessary technology to perform their position remotely, they are expected to work with their supervisor prior to an E-Learning Day regarding their specific situation to request an accommodation. Teachers unable to work remotely and who choose not to report to work onsite will need to either take the day unpaid or utilize an accrued personal day and request a substitute.
Student Work
Student work on E-Learning Days will be completed asynchronously (meaning self-directed without live teacher direct instruction).
Student Attendance
Students in grades K-4 will indicate attendance by logging in to Seesaw (K-2) or Google Classroom (3-4) and completing assigned tasks. Students in grades 5-12 will submit their attendance on E-Learning Days via Infinite Campus. If a student is unable to access technology or login to track attendance as a result of the inclement weather, the school must be notified. Teachers will work with their building attendance secretary to indicate absent students. Absences on an E-Learning Day will be considered unexcused, unless the school has been appropriately notified.
Students with IEPs and/or 504 Plans
Students with an Individualized Education Plan will follow lessons provided by their classroom teachers and/or lessons modified to meet IEP goals by their case managers online or otherwise (hard copies, projects, reading, others).
School Buildings Utilizing a "Non-Instructional Day" Instead of an E-Learning Day
When a building utilizes a non-instructional day, students would not have lessons to complete. Teachers would have the same 7:20am-10:00am time period as an E-Learning day to prepare and make adjustments to their curriculum brought on by the interruption in learning due to the emergency closure. From 10:00am-3:20pm teachers would be under the direction of their building principal. Staff may work from home if they have tested and confirmed accessibility to perform their role effectively or be on campus on these days. Onsite and remote work will be tracked through the building specific process in place.
E-Learning Day Expectations and FAQ
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